Category Archives: Victoria Richards

Voodoo Love Episode 3 Now Free

This week (Mon-Fri) Episode 3 in the Voodoo Love and the Curse of Jean Lafitte’s Treasure series is free! You can download it here-

If you sign up for my email list (or box at the right) you will get a priority notification when each Episode is Free.

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Voodoo Love and the Curse of Jean Lafitte’s Treasure, Episode 3

Voodoo Love Free Days

I’m having some summer fun with the Voodoo Love and the Curse of Jean Lafitte’s Treasure series. There are 5 Episodes in the series, and I will be put each Episode on a Free promotion, one after the other. Each episode will be free for only 5 days.

The first Episode is Free this week, You can download it here-

If you sign up for my email list (box at the right) I’ll send out a notification when each Episode is Free, that way you won’t miss any! Just enter your email address in the Signup box at the right for priority notification.

Thanks to all for being such loyal readers and followers. 🙂

Win a $500 Amazon Shopping Spree!

My readers had so much fun with my last Giveaway that I have decided to do it again. But this one is even bigger!

Win a $500 Amazon Gift Card! Plus even more books by top selling authors! Scroll through the list to find my book- book 1 in The Banshee’s Embrace trilogy as part of the giveaway. Woohoo!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Feature with Victoria Richards, author of Voodoo Love and The Curse of Jean Lafitte’s Treasure & The Banshee’s Embrace

I was featured today on Book Promo Central.

From their site,

Book Promo Central would like to welcome Victoria Richards to the blog.  She is the author of two books with more on the way!  She’s here to share about Voodoo Love and the Curse of Jean Lafitte’s Treasure & The Banshee’s Embrace.